NEWSLETTER 23 - december 2014
Take part in the future of ZAP
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!

  • It gives us great pleasure to give you an update on the activities of ZAP from August to December 2014.

    Our dream - the first Secondary School in the Kaindu Chiefdom
    Our dream to realise the first Secondary School, comprising 9 classrooms, 9 teacher's houses and a small laboratory, in the Kaindu Chiefdom is steadily gaining ground. During various discussions with all the stakeholders, among whom both local and national government departments, firm agreements as to
    who is going to contribute what, have been reached.
    Thus the Community committed itself to contribute 1500 tons of construction sand, 1000 tons of river sand and 1000 tons of ground rock for the construction of the first schoolblock with 4 classrooms, 2 small offices, a strong room and a small conference room.
    All the headmen have called upon the people in their community to donate a small sum of money towards the transport of the sand and the stones. The community will also help with the loading and unloading of the materials.
    Preparing the ground for construction is a tremendous job. A lot of trees have to be cut and it is essential to level the entire area. ZAP has formally requested Amatheon, an important entity in Zambia in the areas of agriculture and animal husbandry, to allow us the use of their bulldozers and other machines.
    The collaboration with World Vision is progressing very positively. They have committed themselves to donate two wells with handpumps and a number of
    toilet blocks for the Secondary School.
    We also received important news from the Ministry of Education. As soon as the school (or a part of the school) has been realised, it will make sure that a number of qualified teachers will be appointed immediately. The Ministry will also make sure that all teaching materials will be provided on time.
    The realisation of the Secondary School will enable hundreds of children to profit from a decent education, thus giving them a wonderful chance of a
    better future.


    Training programme for ZAP construction workers
    All ZAP workers have finished their official training programmes.
    On the 7th of December they will start their exams, comprising both atheoretical and a practical part, and will take a full 5 days! We will tell you about the results in the next Newsletter.

    Progress in the construction of the 4 teacher's houses in Nkulamaziba
    ZAP, together with the Community, managed to get the roofs onto the four teacher's houses before the onset of the rainy season. This means that the
    ZAP workers can now finish the interior of the houses. Completion is expected in the beginning of February 2015.

    Moments of Joy
    ZAP has received a donation from the Foundation Moments of Joy. This donation was meant for the acquisition of various sports articles for the Nkulamaziba school. From now on the children take great joy in playing not only football, but also hockey, basketball and badminton.

    In the following video you can share with us the intense joy of the children during the presentation of the various sports attributes.

    © ZAP Foundation

    ZAP thanks you for your interest. We intensely hope that you will continue to support us so we actually get the Secondary School in Nkulamaziba off the ground!

    Every possible contribution is more than essential !!

    ZAP wishes you a wonderful holiday season.

    With best regards,

    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

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