NEWSLETTER 22 - august 2014
Take part in the future of ZAP
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!

  • We are pleased to be able to give you an update on the activities of ZAP from April to August 2014.

    Opening Ceremony for the second school block in Nkulamaziba
    One of the absolute highlights was the official opening in May of the second school block, comprising three classrooms, in Nkulamaziba in the Kaindu Chiefdom.
    There was a huge turnout, including the Chief and all the Headmen from the district, a number of representatives of Government Institutions and World Vision, the Council Secretary, the District Commissioner and of course members of the Community itself.
    Guests of honour were Lucas and Elisabeth Wurfbain, who had once again travelled to Zambia to celebrate this festive occasion with us.
    The many speeches are an unavoidable part of these occasions, but some of them were so long that more than a few people had trouble keeping their eyes open.
    But by far the most important aspect remains the huge gratitude of the Community for the work of ZAP, and their ceaseless energy in supporting the project.

    Our dream: The realisation of the first Secondary School in the Kaindu Chiefdom
    Our dream of being able to complete in the coming years, the first Secondary School in the Kaindu Chiefdom, in addition to the Elementary School, is gradually taking shape. Hundreds of youngsters would be able to complete their secondary education, giving them an opportunity to go on to further tertiary education or professional training, and offering them a chance of a better future!
    ZAP has been officially assigned a building plot of 12 hectares. Meanwhile, discussions with the Community representatives on the subject of making the site construction-ripe as well as the building of a road for the ZAP truck during the rainy season, are in full course.
    The construction of the school is a huge challenge and will comprise no fewer than 9 classrooms, 9 houses to accommodate the teachers and a small lab for the chemistry lessons. We very much hope that you will want to support this project which is of such enormous importance for the entire province.

    Progress report on the building of the 4 teacher's houses in Nkulamaziba
    We have suffered a small delay of about two months in the construction of the teacher's houses. This has partly been caused by the training of the seven ZAP workers in Mumbwa (see next section). Thankfully, the Community has been prepared to put four workers at our disposal who, in addition to providing the necessary water, also help with the making and hacking of the stones. This means that we will still be able to achieve our aim of completing the remaining four teacher's houses before the end of the year, which will round off this project.

    Training programme for the fourteen ZAP workers
    With great pride we can announce that the first seven ZAP workers have completed the official training course for Construction Workers in Mumbwa. They will now start their practical work training, which they will do at the site of the school in Nkulamaziba. Their rinstructor will check at regular intervals to make sure they stick to the rules of the training course.
    On the 9th of August the remaing ZAP workers have started this training course. In December all of the workers will have to sit the official Construction Worker's exam, after which ZAP will support them in finding a job in the Construction sector. Afterwards ZAP will recruit new local workers who will obviously also be offered the training programme.

    Baby clothes donated by HEMA
    This year the HEMA through John van Grevenbroek has again donated baby clothes for the clinic in Kaindu. The appended video will show you the joy with which the mothers received these dresses.
    ZAP thanks you for your continued interest. We very much hope that you will continue to support us so we can accomplish the building of the secondary school in Nkulamaziba. This will give hundreds of children the chance of a positive future so they can contribute to the further development of Zambia.


    Look at an impression of the progress in Nkulamaziba

    © ZAP Foundation

    ZAP wishes you more sunny summer's days!!

    With best regards,

    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

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