Since her establishment in 2008, ZAP has realised several projects in the Kaindu - Mumbwa area, an area in South-Central Zambia.
Completed Projects January 2023 - April 2024
Training Center in Mumbwa

We are proud to announce that on March 4, 2024, the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Government Training Center in Mumbwa and ZAP. A milestone in the history of ZAP!
This means that the collaboration between the Government Training Center and ZAP is now official. ZAP meets all requirements, has received the certificate of approval, and is recognized as a full-fledged training center.

ZAP accomplished (Phase 1):
  • Construction of 2 practice rooms.
  • Construction of 2 theory classrooms.
  • Construction of accommodation for 10 students.
  • Purchase of sewing machines
  • Purchase of all tools for the carpentry training.

  • The construction of a double house for the trainers will be completed in June 2024. The first 2 training sessions will then start.

    School in Nkulamaziba

    Three boreholes have been drilled and equipped with hand pumps: 1 at the primary school and 2 at the secondary school.

    Primary School
    In 2023, the ZAP Team completed another school block with 2 classrooms.
    The primary school now has 11 classrooms and 8 teacher houses.

    A vegetable garden and sports field have been constructed.

    There are currently 1200 children attending this school.
    Gerealiseerde projecten December 2022 - December 2023

    Primary School in Nkualmaziba
    Construction of a class block with 2 classrooms. The school has got 11 classrooms.
    There are more than 1200 children visiting this school.

    Training Centre
    In close collaboration with The Government Training Centre in Mumbwa, we have built the 2 half open work areas. 4 classrooms for the theory.
    The council in Mumbwa has promised to take care of the scholarships. The moment ZAP will get the official certificate that everything is built according to the law, the council will start interviewing the students.
    ZAP hopes to further expand the training center in 2024.

    3 Boreholes with handpump
    Together with the Wild Geese ZAP has been able to drill 1 borehole at the primary school and 2 at the secondary school. The water problem for the teachers and children is solved.

    Dining Room at the dormitory
    The dining room has got 3 more dining benches.

    Program to keep the girls in school
    This program has been running for over 7 years and is very successful.
    ZAP very much hopes to continue with this in the coming years.

    Finished projects July 2021 - December 2022

    Secondary School in Nkulamaziba

  • Extension of the dormitory
  • Construction of a second dorm with interior

  • ZAP can accommodate 130 girls.

    Last September during a big ceremony ZAP handed the school and the dormitory over to the Ministry od Education, the teacher,-parent committee and the maintenance committee.
    The school has got 11 classrooms and 2classroom chemistry block, 8 offices and a big meeting room.

    Primary School in Nkulamaziba

  • Construction of another class block with 2 classrooms and offices completed.

  • Program to keep the girls in school
  • This program is still very successful and we are happy to continue this program.

  • Construction of a vocal training center
  • The first 4 classrooms for theory are completed. Starting with the construction of a half open workshop for practical training. We hope in 2023 to start with the first 2 trainings.
    Finished projects March 2008 - May 2019
    Projectes in Nkulamaziba


    Government School in Nkulumaziba

    Januari 2020 – July 2021
  • Dormitory for 68 girls with outdoor kitchen, dining room and washing facilities
  • 4 double teachers' houses
  • 2 classrooms at the primary school

  • Maart 2019
  • Opening of the first secondary school in the Kaindu area

  • November 2018 – December 2019
  • 2 school blocks with 5 classrooms
  • 10 toilets for girls
  • 8 toilets for boys
  • 2 teachers' houses

  • March 2017 – November 2018
  • 2 chemistry classrooms with the entire interior
  • 6 double toilets
  • 4 teachers' houses
  • 2 classrooms
  • Sports field
  • Vegetable garden

  • March 2016 – March 2017
  • 5 teacher houses with outdoor kitchen and laundry room at the Secondary School.

  • 2015 – May 2016
    First school block for the High School, consisting of 4 classrooms, strong room, 4 offices and a meeting room.

    School uniforms
    All 500 children have received a school uniform this year

    Clinic at Sable junction

    Januari 2019 – December 2019
    The clinic is located 15 km from the school.
    In this clinic on average 5 to 6 women give birth each week. Once a week there is information on nutrition and hygiene for mothers with children under 5 years of age. Children (babies) are therefore weighed and vaccinated.
  • Construction and equipment of a mother in waiting shelter (women sometimes walk more than 20 km to give birth there, until now there was no accommodation for them, neither after the birth).
  • Outdoor kitchen.
  • Toilets.
  • Kaindu Basic School
  • 140 school benches and 7 teacher's tables.
  • 1 new teacher's house.
  • Renovation of 7 teacher's houses with outside kitchen, washroom and toilet.
  • Big Concession School
  • 6 new teacher's houses with outside kitchen, toilet and washing area
  • Waterwell with manual pump installed next to the teachers' accommodation
  • Lantana Farm
  • Nursery school for children under 7 years of age.
  • Clinic in Kaindu
  • Waiting shelter with a big uotside kitchen en 2 washing areas.
  • Complete renovation of 2 staff houses for the doctor and a nurse.
  • Schoolroom with 2 office spaces.
  • ZAP Chicken Farm at Nkulamaziba
    At the Community's initiative a chicken farm was started in August 2012.
    On the one hand it is a learning experience for the children who are given the responsibility of looking after these animals, and on the other, the chickens are sold and the proceeds are donated by the community to ZAP.
    Workshops are being given by a vet from Mumbwa to instruct the community on running a chicken farm with regard to nutrition, inoculations, etc.
    School at the Kitumba Open Air Prison
  • School with 2 classrooms, an office and a strongroom.
  • 3 double toilets.
  • 2 teacher's houses.

    Kitumaba Chicken Farm
  • In May 2013 the Kitumba school also started a chicken farm.
  • Face masks and laptops donated by the McKinsey Children Fund.

  • Wheelchair donated by EMCART REHA for a seriously handicapped girl.
  • The Lutekelo Farmers Group: donation of various vegetable seeds.
  • Medical Centre Alkmaar: donation of 4 hospital beds with sidetable.