NEWSLETTER 46 - december 2022
Take part in the future of ZAP
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!
  • You will do us a great pleasure if you share the link of this website with friends and acqaintances.

    It is with great pride that we want to share with you two major goals which we reached recently.

    Secondary School in Nkulamaziba
    In February 2015 we started a prestigious project. Having successfully built 4 Primary schools (with all the teachers’ accommodation to go with them) as well as a few smaller projects in the sphere of health and education, we dared start the construction of the first (and only) Secondary school in the Nkulamaziba district. With a view to the size, magnitude and extensive investment for this project, we decided in 2015 to tackle it in a number of phases.

    And on Friday September 30th we reached our goal. With a big hand-over Ceremony the school was handed over to the Ministry of Education, the Parent-Teacher commission and the Maintenance commission.

    In the presence of Mumbwa’s District Commissioner, Chief Kaindu’s secretary, all the senior Headmen, and a big delegation of representatives from various Ministries, we had a fantastic celebration! With song and dance by the children and speeches by various dignitaries, the school was officially opened.

    The school compound comprises 11 classrooms, 2 chemistry labs, 6 office rooms, a big meeting cum reception aea, 17 teachers’ houses and 26 toilets.

    In the meantime, the school is being attended by over 400 pupils, and there are 23 qualified teachers who are paid by the government.

    Dormitory for girls fully functional
    A project that is very close to our hearts, is the completion of the dormitory for girls at the secondary school. It is only by providing living quarters next to the school that the girls can actually be offered a secondary education. The journey home is as often as not both too long and too dangerous. Moreover this project links up seamlessly with our initiative to keep the girls in school to prevent their being married off at an early age. With the addition of a second dormitory with bunk beds, we can now provide a safe shelter to 130 girls.

    Having reached these two major goals, does however not mean that we can now sit back and relax. We are full of energy and plans for 2023!

    The primary school in Nkulamaziba can’t cope with the tremendous demand for education. 1200 children attend the school and are accommodated in 10 classrooms. There is an urgent need for an 11th classroom. We would need 15.000,- Euro to build it.

    Every contribution would help!

    We are also planning an extension to the Training Centre in 2023. We started this project in 2021 with the cooperation of the Ministry of Higher Education. This Training Centre aims to teach young adults technical skills. In 2023 we will start with courses for seamstresses and for carpenters. Later we will add courses for welders, electricians and community midwives. 4 classrooms for theoretical lessons have just been finished and now we are hoping for donations for’the construction of a semi-covered workshop for practical training. Cost: 7.500,- Euro.

    We would like to thank everyone who supported ZAP during the past year, whether financially or otherwise, from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you all a great month of December!

    We intensely hope for your support. There are various ways by which to support ZAP: from large to small.
    ZAP has got the ANBI status.

    How do you go about it?
  • Adopt a project
  • Become a Founding Father (or Mother) for a minimum yearly amount of € 1500 during 3 years
  • Or any other contribution to our work. Everything is more than welcome!

  • With our heartfelt regards,

    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

    Email address: info@zap-foundation.com
    Mobile; +316-21224041 Zambia +260973676057

    ZAP – Zambia Allocation Program – Jan Massenstraat 1 - 1411 RW Naarden - Netherlands
    P.Bag 41 Woodlands – Lusaka Zambia
    Kvknr: 34298178
    Bank account: ABNAMRO NL75 ABNA