NEWSLETTER 47 - june 2023
Take part in the future of ZAP
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!
  • You will do us a great pleasure if you share the link of this website with friends and acqaintances.

  • It’s with great pleasure we send you another update from the Zambian bush.

    Extreme rainfall
    This rainy season has been extreme in our region. Many bridges and roads have been washed away. For two months, the ZAP truck couldn’t deliver building materials to Nkulamaziba, which will undoubtedly have had consequences for the various projects. We are working hard, together with the community, to resolve these delays.

    Training center
    The ZAP training centre for professions such as seamstress, carpenter etc. is starting to take shape.
    The Ministry of Higher Education has granted its full cooperation. In the meantime, a delegation of the Ministry has visited and has given advice on the set-up of the half open work spaces.
    We will have more updates on this in the next newsletter.

    Program to keep young girls in school
    As you know, in 2017 ZAP established a program to keep young girls in school and to prevent them being married at an early age. This lowers the chance of pregnancy, provides the young girls with an education and hence gives them a better chance for a full career. This program has been made possible by the McKinsey Children Foundation.

    In the meantime, through the introduction of certain improvements, we have created an optimal concept that is being followed, hopefully with emulation, in other parts of Zambia.

    What have we improved
  • HThe program provides a place for 150 girls that are put forward the teachers. Every 3 months, ZAP receives an overall report and the parents have to make a commitment to repay the incurred costs if they do choose to take their child out of school.
  • In the first quarter, the attendance percentage was 93.5%.
    The most common reason for absence is menstruation. Often there are no means to purchase sanitary goods/tampons.
    In discussion with the teachers and the girls, ZAP has decided to spend a portion of the yearly donation on sanitary goods/tampons.
  • The girls have recently received school shoes, notepads, pens and a rucksack. This has been an enormous incentive to participate optimally in class.
  • And the most important success factor: the girls dormitory is now fully in use. The distances between home and school and vice versa are often too far and too dangerous to navigate every day. The dormitory has room for 120 girls.
    After graduating from the primary school, those that will attend secondary school can use the dormitory.

    All in all, this formula to keep young girls in school has been a great success and ZAP, on behalf of the girls and all involved, is profoundly grateful.

  • Up until next time!

    With our heartfelt regards,

    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

    Email address: info@zap-foundation.com
    Mobile; +316-21224041 Zambia +260973676057

    ZAP – Zambia Allocation Program – Jan Massenstraat 1 - 1411 RW Naarden - Netherlands
    P.Bag 41 Woodlands – Lusaka Zambia
    Kvknr: 34298178
    Bank account: ABNAMRO NL75 ABNA