NEWSLETTER 42 - march 2021
Take part in the future of ZAP
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!
  • You will do us a great pleasure if you share the link of this website with friends and acqaintances.


    Dormitory for girls at the secondary school in last phase

    The most ambitious project in ZAP’s 13 years’ existence is as good as finished. In one of the very poorest provinces in Zambia (Kaindu, Community of Nkulamaziba) we have achieved the construction of primary schools, a secondary school and teachers’ accommodation. As a result, thousands of children have been given access to education.

    The dormitory
    It gives us great pride to report to you that the long-awaited dormitory for girls attending the secondary school in Nkulamaziba, will be opened in April!

    The girls who will be accommodated in this dormitory, participate in a programme aimed at keeping girls in school so as to prevent the practice of early matrimony. Through this we also intend to offer them a more independent start in life. Some 100 girls are involved, whose parents have all been convinced to sign a document stating that, with good results, the girls will be allowed to finish secondary school.

    The many kilometres-long road from school to home and vice-versa through the bush was far too dangerous: sexual intimidation and robberies are daily occurrences. We are incredibly happy and grateful that, thanks to your generosity, we will be able to offer these children a safe and hygienic place to stay. As a result of the request in our last newsletter for people to sponsor a bed/cupboard, we have managed to have 40 bunkbeds and cupboards made locally! And the sanitary provisions are as good as finished as well. Also on behalf of the girls a very big thank-you for your support!!

    Last phase primary school

    It is many years since we last experienced such an extreme rainy season in Zambia! In spite of the delays in the supply of the necessary building materials due to roads having been transformed into mud rivers and being well-nigh unpassable, we managed to keep building.
    Close to 800 children now attend primary school, but the 5 available classrooms just didn’t offer sufficient capacity. Thanks to a tremendous donation, we have been able to add one more block of 2 classrooms. The Community is fully cooperating and collaborating and therefore we will be able to move into the new block in May!

    The near future
    In the meantime, we have finalised all plans to get to a comprehensive strategy for the future. Education remains ZAP’s central aim, but we will now also focus on short-term practical vocational training courses. These would include carpentry, midwifery, needlework, electricity, etc. We have since managed to get all the necessary documentation and authorisation for the construction of a Training Centre. The various training courses will be set up in close consultation with the various Ministries.

    We are extremely enthusiastic about this new initiative and will be happy to inform you in greater detail in the next newsletter.

    We intensely hope for your support. There are various ways by which to support ZAP: from large to small.
    ZAP has got the ANBI status.

    How do you go about it?
  • Adopt a project
  • Become a Founding Father (or Mother) for a minimum yearly amount of € 1500 during 3 years
  • Or any other contribution to our work. Everything is more than welcome!

  • Kind regards,

    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

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