NEWSLETTER 20 - december 2013
Take part in the future of ZAP
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  • It is with great pleasure that we send you the ZAP Newsletter for December 2013. So much has happened around the Nkulamaziba school, that we will concentrate on this project in the present Newsletter.

    The school in Nkulamaziba has become a Government School
    It is a crowning victory for us to have the Ministry of Education decide to recognise the Community School realised by ZAP as an official Government School. This is real progress as it means that the five qualified teachers who have been there up until now, will be paid by the Government.

    Biggie Habasimbi, the Head Teacher reacted to the news:

    "there is fantastic cooperation between the ZAP team, the local population and the teachers. I am very proud of the award given to me by the Ministry of 'Most active Head Teacher of the District' and I cherish the bicycle and the mattress which I got as a prize from the Ministry. The fact that ZAP has also been recognised as an exemplary Partner in the field of Social Responsibility in this part of the country, motivates us even more!"

    Watch an impression of the latest progress of ZAP:

    © ZAP Foundation

    Under the direction of ZAP project leader Jericko, our people worked really hard to finish a new teacher's accommodation and to start the extension of this school through the construction of a second school block consisting of 3 classrooms, an office and a storage area. Thanks to the tremendous involvement of the community, the roof of the complex has been finished, which is a great relief, it being just before the start of the rainy season.
    At the end of January this school block will be finished.
    At this moment, there are already 409 children in school at Nkulamaziba: 207 girls and 202 boys!

    Long-term vision
    We are proud that we have been able to realise the only school within a 30 kilometre radius in this part of the country, but it still means that children above the age of 12 can no longer follow any education. You do not, after all, easily send a child of twelve to travel to the closest secondary school at some 30 kilometre's distance! It is our dream, therefore, to be able to realise, in the next three years, through the extension of the existing facilities, a fully qualified Secondary school, in order for children in this isolated part of the country to be able to benefit from a secondary education.
    At this point in time we are very busy trying to acquire the necessary funds for this project.
    In order to establish a fully recognised Primary and Secondary school complex, we will need to build another 8 teacher's houses and 2 classroom blocks consisting of 3 classrooms and toilets.
    The total budget is € 400.000.

    ZAP wishes you all a wonderful month of December.

    With best regards,

    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

    Watch all projects realised by ZAP >>