NEWSLETTER 19 - july 2013
Take part in the future of ZAP
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!

  • After months of full on rain, and the many problems that tag along with it on a logistical level, we can finally celebrate the arrival of the dry season! We are able to drive though the bush more easily and take shortcuts, which saves a lot of time and diesel. Regardless of the poor weather, the diverse projects are still moving forward nicely, with many positive results.

    School on Kitumba Open Air Prison Grounds
    With great pride and pleasure we can also announce that the opening ceremony of the school, on the grounds of Kitumba Open Air Prison, took place in May. It was a fantastic celebration, with numerous representatives from the different ministries of Mumbwa roaming the grounds, as well as the district Chief. We also welcomed Lucas and Elisabeth Wurfbain as our guests of honour. Lucas and Elisabeth have been connected to ZAP, as founding fathers, since March 2008. The festive atmosphere was enriched by countless speeches, various songs and dances performed by the children and …..ZAP even gained a goat and a chicken by the end of it.

    Within the first operational day of the school, 70 children had already signed up. A mere week later, the number had risen to 90 and it still continues to escalate. The enthusiastic headmaster is accompanied by a “community teacher” until the second teacher house has been realise, after which more qualified teachers will be recruited to the school.

    In reaction to the community of Nkulamaziba, the people of Kitumba have also started a ZAP Chicken Farm, creating healthy competition between the two villages. To see who can breed the fattest chicken.

    Lucas en Elisabeth:
    Although we had been following the progress of ZAP for the last few years through the newsletters and Josien's stories, we were really amazed when we actually got to see what ZAP has accomplished in the last five years. We were very honoured to have been invited to the opening of the school at the Prison.

    What a wonderful day that was: we set out early from Mushingashi and arrived to see the grounds of the school transformed into a stage, with a canopy for the officials and the brightly coloured school buildings as a backdrop. We had time to meet again with the construction team: Jericho looking very smart in his 'official' clothes and to congratulate them on finishing everything before the big opening.

    The opening ceremony was very impressive and we realised how important all the speakers considered the work of ZAP. It was encouraging to hear about all the plans for the future and about the enthusiasm everyone shared about education.

    Although we couldn't understand the words, we loved the various performances. It was altogether a great occasion and it made us proud to be there and to be a small part of ZAP through Josien.

    The video below gives an impression of the opening ceremony:

    © ZAP Foundation

    School in Nkulamaziba
    After a construction project lasting just short of a year, the school opened recently and on the very first day more than 70 children applied. At the moment there is one qualified teacher working at the school but meanwhile we have received three applications from teachers who are prepared to move to Kitumba as soon as we are able to offer them accommodation. In May we will have the official opening ceremony and we will of course give you a full report in the next Newsletter.

    A lot has developed here as well. Not only did we complete the construction of the fourth teacher house at the end of May, but the ZAP team also laid down the foundation for the second set of classrooms. This expansion will consist of three classrooms. The community is so grateful and pleased with such developments and are therefore keen helpers and supporters of the various projects.

    During our visit to Nkulamaziba, Lucas and Elisabeth Wurfbain were extremely impressed by the hand production of stones / blocks using a hand stonemachine, that they decided to impulsively donate a second stonemachine. Which means instead of producing 250 stones per day, we can now produce 500 per day. Which will speed up the building process of the second set of classrooms immensely. The ZAP team is over the moon with this lavish gift.

    ZAP hopes you have a warm and sunny summer, and in the Autumn months another update will follow.

    With my very best regards,
    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

    March 2008 – June 2013 Projects realised by ZAP

    Kaindu Basic School
    140 school benches and 7 teacher's tables
    Construction of 1 new teacher's house
    Renovation of 7 teacher's houses with outside kitchen, washroom and toilet
    Employment - the ZAP team consisted of 15 people
        who worked on this project for 2 years

    Big Concessions School
    Construction of 6 new teacher's houses with outside kitchen,
        toilet and washing area
    Waterwell with manual pump installed next to the teachers' accommodation
    Employment: the ZAP team consisted of 8 people
        who worked on this project for 1˝ year

    Lantana Farm
    Construction of a nursery school for children under 7 years of age
    Employment: the ZAP team consisted of 5 people
        who worked on this project for 6 months

    Clinic in Kaindu
    Construction of a waiting shelter with a big uotside kitchen en 2 washing areas
    Complete renovation of 2 staff houses for the doctor and a nurse
    Construction of a schoolroom with 2 office spaces
    Employment: the ZAP team consisted of 8 people
        who worked on this project for 1˝ year

    The school in Nkulamaziba
    Construction of a school, 2 classrooms with office space and strongroom
    Construction of 5 toilets
    The construction of 4 teacher’s houses is completed in June.
        Immediately ZAP will start building the second school block with 3 classrooms.
    Employment: the ZAP team consists of 12 people
        who are at work on this project since February 2012

    ZAP Chicken Farm at Nkulamaziba
    At the Community's initiative a chicken farm was started in August 2012
    On the one hand it is a learning experience for the children who are given the
        responsibility of looking after these animals, and on the other, the chickens are
        sold and the proceeds are donated by the community to ZAP
    Workshops are being given by a vet from Mumbwa to instruct the community on
        running a chicken farm with regard to nutrition, inoculations, etc

    School at the Kitumba Open Air Prison
    In February 2012 a start was made with the construction of a school:
        two classrooms, an office and a strong room in the middle.
    Construction of 3 double toilets.
    The school is completed and the first qualified has started.
        In May we had the official opening ceremony.
    The construction of the first teacher’s house is completed and ZAP is
        building the second teacher’s house
    Employment: the ZAP team here consists of 3 workmen,
        the others are prisoners. In this way they gain working experience, which will
        surely help them on their return in society.

    Kitumaba Chicken Farm
    In May we also started a ZAP Chicken Farm at the school

    In General
    Wheelchair donated by EMCART REHA for a seriously handicapped girl
    The Lutekelo farmers group: donation of various vegetable seeds
         to enable them to jointly sell the harvest
    Medical Centrum Alkmaar: Donation of 4 hospital beds with side tables