NEWSLETTER 15 - april 2012
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!

  • A lot happened in the past few months in Zambia! There is much good news to report, but we also suffered a major set-back. The lorry which we always used to transport construction materials to the bush, overturned on the way to the bush, loaded to the brim with hospital beds, nightstands and loads of other stuff. Luckily everyone survived the crash, but the lorry was badly damaged. Meanwhile, we have had to arrange for other means of transport sothat the running projects can still be supplied with the necessary construction materials. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a lot more expensive. We hope that the lorry will be fixed up sufficiently for it to make the next trip to town to pick up construction materials.

    But now for the good news, for we have made tremendous progress on a variety of projects:

    The clinic in Kaindu
    The entire project, consisting of a waiting shelter, an outdoor kitchen, two washrooms, the renovation of two staff houses and the construction of two schoolrooms with two office spaces, has been finished.

    On the attached video you can get an impression of the fantastic handover ceremony which took place on 28th February. The District Commissioner of Mumbwa, representatives of the Ministry of Health en many other people undertook the long trip to Kaindu to be present at this festive occasion. The Choir of Kaindu Basic School sang beautifully and the Community put on several sketches. As a token of appreciation, ZAP was presented with a number of gifts, among which 9 chickens.

    © ZAP Foundation

    In the previous few newsletters we informed you extensively about the construction of the school in Nkulamaziba, a village in the middle of the bush at some 40 kilometers from Mumbwa.

    Meanwhile, the school has been completed and we have now started on the next leg: the construction of three teacher's houses.

    A while ago, Ministry of Education representatives paid a visit to the new school. We are extremely proud that this delegation was so impressed by the project that they have decided to appoint a head teacher immediately, who will be paid by the State. The Ministry also sent schoolbooks and other teaching aids to the school.

    ZAP Chicken Farm in Nkulamaziba - workshops
    The local community of Nkulamaziba took the initiative last August to set up a ZAP Chicken Farm. On the one hand it is a learning experience for the children, who are given the responsibility of looking after these animals, and on the other, the chickens are sold and the proceeds are donated to ZAP. The Chicken Farm now already has some fifty chickens. Meanwhile, a number of workshops on running the farm, nutrition and inoculations have taken place. The workshops are run by a Vet from Mumbwa and are so popular that there are over 80 participants every time.

    The School at the Kitumba Open Air Prison
    In collaboration with the Management of the Kitumba Open Air Prison we have started the construction of a school on the prison premises. In order to save money and to utilise the acquired know-how of the ZAP team as much as possible, this will be a copy of the school in Nkulamaziba.
    This school is intended for the children living in the vicinity of the prison, who now have to walk a distance of, on average, some 17 kilometers to attend a school.
    This project is a real win-win situation because the Prison Management guarantees the workforce by having the prisoners work on the project. This then enables the prisoners to acquire work-experiene, which will stand them in good stead upon their return into society. The preparatory groundwork is also being undertaken by the prison management; thus they have already laid on a road from the main road to enable easy access for the delivery of all goods.

    The project manager of ZAP, Ablos, and his assistant, who had been working at the clinic in Kaindu, have since moved to the new project.

    I am returning to Zambia on April 10th and will be happy to give you further news of all developments in June.

    With my very best regards,
    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

    March 2008 - April 2012 Projects realised by ZAP

    Kaindu Basic School
    140 school benches and 7 teacher's tables
    Construction of 1 new teacher's house
    Renovation of 7 teacher's houses with outside kitchen, washroom and toilet
    Employment - the ZAP team consisted of 15 people
        who worked on this project for 2 years

    Big Concessions School
    Construction of 6 new teacher's houses with outside kitchen, toilet and washing area
    Waterwell with manual pump installed next to the teachers' accommodation
    Employment: the ZAP team consisted of 8 people who worked on this project for 1½ year

    Lantana Farm
    Construction of a nursery school for children under 7 years of age
    Employment: the ZAP team consisted of 5 people who worked on this project for 6 months

    Clinic in Kaindu
    Construction of a waiting shelter with a big uotside kitchen en 2 washing areas
    Complete renovation of 2 staff houses for the doctor and a nurse
    Construction of a schoolroom with 2 office spaces
    Employment: the ZAP team consisted of 8 people who worked on this project for 1½ year

    Construction of a school, 2 classrooms with office space and strongroom
    Construction of 5 toilets
    In February construction work was started on the first of a total of 3 teacher's houses to be built by ZAP in 2012
    Employment: the ZAP team consists of 12 people who are at work on this project since February 2012

    ZAP Chicken Farm at Nkulamaziba
    At the Community's initiative a chicken farm was started in August 2012
    On the one hand it is a learning experience for the children who are given the responsibility of looking after these animals, and on the other, the chickens are sold and the proceeds are donated by the community to ZAP
    Workshops are being given by a vet from Mumbwa to instruct the community on running a chicken farm with regard to nutrition, inoculations, etc

    In General
    Wheelchair donated by EMCART REHA for a seriously handicapped girl
    The Lutekelo farmers group: donation of various vegetable seeds to enable them to jointly sell the harvest
    Medical Centrum Alkmaar: Donation of 4 hospital beds with side tables