NEWSLETTER 14 - december 2011

Collaboration with Kitumba Open Air Prison
In the last newsletter dated september 2011 we reported extensively about the possible collaboration with Kitumba Open Air Prison. This prison is situated in the middle of the bush at 50 kilomets from Mumbwa. The management took the initiative to plan a school on its property for the children in the surrounding area. These children now have to walk over 17 km to reach the nearest school. This initiative will enable hundreds of children to be educated.

During the past few months I had more intensive contact with the management and they guarantee total cooperation in the areas of manpower (prisoners), availability of water en the procurement of construction- and river sand.
They will also provide accommodation for ZAP's project manager and his assistant as well as a store room for keeping the building materials.
This project will not only give the children in the neighbourhood the chance to attend school, but will also provide the prisoners with construction-work experience, which will undoubtedly help them to reintegrate into society upon their release.

Meanwhile ZAP has managed to reserve 80% of the required budget. Help us to realise the remaining 20%

© ZAP Foundation

The clinic and the classroom in Kaindu
This month the classroom and the office of the Kaindu clinic will be completed. In this classroom mothers with children under 5 years of age will receive instruction about nutrition, inoculations and Aids prevention.

The construction of the school in Nkulumaziba
We are very proud to report that the school has been finished! Project manager Jerico and his team have done a fantastic job. They are now finishing off the construction of the 4 toilets en after that they will immediately start building the first teacher's house.

The ZAP Chickenfarm
We are very touched by the initiative of the local community of Nkulamaziba to start a ZAP chicken farm. Under Jerico's watchful eye, the children of the community are responsible for looking after the chickens. On the one hand this is a learning curve for the children to be in charge of the animals and on the other, the sale of the chickens generates money which the community donates to ZAP.

I am back in Zambia from the 7th of December and in January I shall be happy to give you further news of all the various developments.
We want to thank all of you for your warm interest.
Without your help, ZAP would never have been able to realise all of this in 2011.
With my very best regards,
ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
Josien Dudok van Heel

March 2008 - December 2011 Projects realised by ZAP

Kaindu Basic School
140 school benches and 7 teacher's tables
Construction of 1 new teacher's house
Renovation of 7 teacher's houses with outside kitchen, washroom and toilet
Employment - the ZAP team consisted of 15 people
    who were employed for to years on this project

Big Concessions School
Construction of 6 new teacher's houses with outside kitchen, toilet and washing area
A water well with a handpump installed next to the teacher's houses
Employment: the ZAP team consisted of 8 people who were employed for 1 1/2 year on this project

Lantana Farm
Construction of a nursery school for children under 7 years of age
Employment: the ZAP team consisted of 5 people who were employed for 6 months on this project

Clinic in Kaindu
Construction of a waiting shelter with a big uotside kitchen en 2 washing areas
Complete renovation of 2 staff houses for the doctor and a nurse
Construction of a classroom
Employment: the ZAP team consists of 12 people who have been working on this project since February 2011

In February 2011 start of the construction of a school, 2 classrooms with an office and a strongroom
Construction of 4 toilets
Employment: the ZAP team consists of 12 people

In General
A wheelchair was donated by Emcart Reha for a heavily handicapped girl
The Lutekelo farmers group: donation of various vegetable seeds to enable them to jointly sell the harvest