NEWSLETTER 13 - september 2011

A new project in conjunction with
the Kitumba Open Air Prison:

ZAP has decided, after close consultation with local Ministries and other Zambian institutions as well as the Foundation's Board, to enter into a collaboration with the Kitumba Open Air Prison. This prison is situated in the middle of the bush and its Board of Directors has decided to set up a school on the prison premises for the children in the vicinity who now still have to walk for an average of 17 km to reach a school. This initiative will make it possible for hundreds of children to receive an education. ZAP is obviously very much in favour of this project.
The Board has pledged that a team of prisoners, under the supervision of a ZAP projectmanager, will build the school. It will also be responsible for the provision of construction- and riversand. This unique experience will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the prisoners when trying to find a job in the construction industry upon their release.
Moreover. the World Vision Foundation has indicated that it is prepared to build a small clinic next to the school, so that in the future, there will be a small community centre.
ZAP will, for its part, finance the building materials for the school and take charge of their transport to the bush as well as being the project manager. The construction of the first school block has been budgetted at approximately E 42.000.

Help ZAP realise this project! Every donation is more than essential!

You will do us a great favour by forwarding this e-mail to friends and relations. Also, please send us the e-mail addresses of people who might be interested in receiving this newsleteer.
© ZAP Foundation


Progress of the Clinic and Classroom in Kaindu
This is the only clinic in a radius of 60 km. The patients often travel for more than a day to reach the clinic but there was no waiting shelter. After the completion of this shelter and 2 washrooms and the renovation of 2 staff living quarters, we are delighted to be able to report that the construction of the new classroom is going according to plan. We expect it to be finished in November, which means that when the rainy season starts this year, people will finally be able to sit in a dry place out of the rain. The staff at the clinic are tremendously pleased with this development and have already devised a blueprint for lessons to mothers with children under 5 years of age about the importance of inoculations, proper nourishment etc. This information is of vital importance if you consider that every year many babies and toddlers die from malnourishment, diarrhea, malaria and other diseases.
They will also provide information to the community about Aids prevention.
Another item of good news is that Nechem, a company established in Lusaka, has pledged the provision of all cleaning materials for the clinic.
We are also most grateful to the MCA (Medisch Centrum Alkmaar) for the donation of 4 hospital beds and bedside tables. All of this will be transported free of charge in a container of Steinweg-Handelsveem. This container is expected to arrive in Lusaka in early November.

Nkulumaziba is a village in the middle of the bush at some 40 km from Mumbwa. It is a fairly large community, comprising some 300 children who at present receive no proper education. ZAP is building a school there with 2 classrooms, an office and toilets. Project Manager Jerico and his team started work there in February. The project is running ahead of schedule and it looks as though the school will be finished in November.
ZAP has decided to to continue immediately with the construction of the 4 teacher's dwellings. We have been given a guarantee by the State that as soon as the first house has been completed, they will immediately provide a qualified teacher. He or she will be paid by the State, which will undoubtedly benefit both the level and the continuity of the schooling.

I am returning to Zambia in early September and in November I will be happy to update you on all our various projects.

With my very best regards,
ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
Josien Dudok van Heel

March 2008 - September 2011 Projects realised by ZAP

Kaindu Basic School
140 school benches and 7 teacher's tables
Construction of 1 new teacher's house
Renovation of 7 teacher's houses with outside kitchen, washroom and toilet
ZAP team consisted of 15 people who participated in this project

Big Concessions School
Construction of 6 new teacher's houses with outside kitchen, toilet and washroom
Water well with manual pump built next to the teacher's houses
ZAP team consisted of 8 people

Clinic in Kaindu
Construction of a waiting shelter with a big uotside kitchen en 2 wash areas
Complete renovation of 2 staff houses
Construction of a classroom
ZAP team consisted of 8 people

In February 2011 start of the construction of a school, 2 classrooms with an office and a strongroom
Construction of 4 toilets
A team of 12 people is working on this project.

Lantana Farm
In 2010 ZAP built a small nursery school here for children up to the age of 6
A team of 5 people worked on this project

A wheelchair donated by emcart reha for a seriously handicapped young girl
The Lutekelo farmers group;
Donation of a variety of vegetable seeds so the harvest can be sold for common account