NEWSLETTER 38 - september 2019
Take part in the future of ZAP
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!

  • A couple of weeks ago, Leo Derksen (board member of ZAP) and his son Mathijs came to visit a couple of the ZAP projects. With them were Martijn Nagel (his father is a donor) and his partner Kairianne Derijcke with the children Kaja and Wester. Of course a visit to the primary and secondary school in Nkulamaziba was a very important part of the journey.
    In this newsletter they share their experience.

    We visited ZAP early August together with Josien and the family Nagel-Derijcke. We were lucky, as the one month holiday did not yet started. The kids of the primary and secondary school had wonderful sing and dance performances and we really enjoyed the speeches by the heads of school.
    It exceeded our expectations. What touched me the most was the proudness. Not only the school kids but also the teachers, the heads of the school, the community heads and the entire ZAP team. Everybody is proud!
    We take education for granted, but in Zambia it is totally different. Currently roughly 1.100 kids go to the primary and secondary school, whereas otherwise they were sitting under the tree or the girls were pregnant at a much too young age. I feel privileged to be able to contribute to ZAP. I also deeply respect Josien for all her patience and energy she gave sofar and will give in the future to this project. Josien, THANK YOU!
    Leo Derksen

    You cannot imagine a warmer welcome, the school choir singing and children dancing as we arrived at the secondary school. The start of an impactful day. After we met the teachers and ZAP workers, we joined the children of the primary and secondary school outside. A whole day program was set up for our arrival. We really enjoyed the children singing, dancing and even performing a piece of poetry. Eventually somewhat less flexible Dutch hips joined one of the local dances. After all the festivities, we got a tour around the whole property. It was so nice to see all the work performed (and still going on) by ZAP. We ended with a game of football on the school’s own football field, which was a bit different from the European flat grass fields, however definitely not less exiting. All in all, a day I will never forget!
    Big thanks to everyone at ZAP!
    Mathijs Derksen

    You gave us a fantastic experience which we carried with us for the remainder of our trip. To us ZAP now means sharing your mission in life. During our visit it became clear that more money is needed for two more projects, which are essential for the realisation of your mission.
    Martijn Nagel, Amsterdam

    To all (future) donors and sponsors!
    With enormous dedication and passion a group of people are working to accomplish what to us is something so perfectly normal: education! I have been allowed to witness, with great humility, what has been offered to these disadvantaged children through the ZAP project: possibilities for a better future and the realisation of their dreams! Great admiration for Josien Dudok van Heel who, with her co-workers and the local population work full-out to get the work done! This can only be done with an enormous amount of discipline, patience and perseverance. With knowledge of and respect for the country, the culture, the region and the creation and maintenance of the necessary contacts! There is a tremendous synergy between all those involved in the project! Every cent is actually spent on education, safety and health. The expenditure is well considered, clear, with short lines, transparent en easy to check. And the results are impressive!
    In spite of the risks, occasional disappointments and numerous challenges, this is really just like running a dynamic business! However, donors do remain essential for the continuation of ZAP’s work. If it wasn’t for the donors, Josien and all those concerned would not be able to realise all this. There is still so much to be done! But the fact that some 1.200 children can now already attend primary and secondary school, from a solid and stable base, is life-changing for them. In this way they are given the chance to escape the poverty of their former life with all its inherent risks for a child in this part of the world. ZAP effectively helps to create a better future for these children and their offspring. A trampoline from poverty to possibility!
    Thank you, Josien, for this unforgettably worthwhile and intensive experience! That you offered us a small insight into your life’s work which we support with love!
    Karianne Derijcke, Amsterdam

    To us, education is the most natural thing in the world! What we experienced with ZAP made a huge impression on us. The pupils and the teachers were so incredibly grateful for all the support and help, and you see that in their enormous motivation to learn and to teach.
    It is almost inimaginable that these children would not have been able to attend a school if it hadn’t been for ZAP. Thanks to ZAP they are being given a the possibility of a better future!
    Thank you Josien for having enabled us to experience this!
    Kaja Nagel (18) & Wester Kouwenhoven (16), Amsterdam

    We intensely hope for your support. There are various ways by which to support ZAP: from large to small.
    ZAP has got the ANBI status.

    How do you go about it?
  • Adopt a project
  • Become a Founding Father (or Mother) for a minimum yearly amount of €1500 during 3 years
  • Or any other contribution to our work. Everything is more than welcome!

  • Kind regards,

    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel