NEWSLETTER 35 - december 2018
Take part in the future of ZAP
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!

  • We are pleased to be able to share the highlights of the last year with you. With pride and great appreciation for the efforts of all concerned, we can look back on a year during which we managed to realise several fantastic projects.

    The Secondary School in Nkulamaziba
    First of all, the progress of our most ambitious project: the construction of the Secondary School in Nkulamaziba. This school is the first secondary school in this extensive territory and some 300 children, living within a radius of some 30 kilometers, already attend it. We are extremely grateful that we can now offer secondary education to these children, thus giving them completely different and vastly better prospects for their future. The school satisfies the requirements of the Ministry of Education, which means that the Government provides qualified teachers. We started this project in 2015 and expect to finish it by the end of 2020.

    What did we achieve in 2018:
  • The construction of two chemistry classrooms with double strongrooms and 2 offices.
  • The construction of 4 teacher’s houses, which brings the total to 9.
  • The school must also satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of Health and that means 10 boys’ toilets and 12 girls’ toilets. At the moment we have finished 8 for the boys and 6 for the girls.
  • We started the construction of a further 2 classrooms.

  • And what next in 2018
  • With the help of the local population, the teachers and the children, we strive to create a vegetable garden next to every school we build. The local population mainly eats shima, a maize porridge. With these vegetable gardens, the children can access a more varied diet and their parents also learn about a healthier way of life. The Secondary School’s first harvest was spectacular!
  • Sports also form part of a healthy way of life and instill a team spirit in these children who live so far apart. After school, the children themselves cleared an area of bush after which we laid out a proper soccer/volleyball/cricket pitch.
  • Thanks to a donation from the Moments of Joy Foundation, we were also able to provide the sports equipment.
  • As in previous years, we gave 10 ZAP staff the opportunity to attain the Construction Worker diploma.
  • In order to prevent the marrying off of girls at a far too early age, we started a programme three years ago aimed at keeping the girls in school. That initiative is going very well: of the 100 girls who are in the programme, only 2 fell off.

  • Looking forward to 2019
  • The Secondary School - phase 5: In 2019, we aim to add another 3 classrooms and 3 teacher’s houses.
  • Construction of the Boarding School adjacent to the Secondary School in Nkulamaziba.

  • In earlier Newsletters we already indicated that it is essential to build boarding accommodation next to the Secondary School. For many of the children it is too far to walk to school every day, and for the girls it can even be dangerous. This is why we decided to first build a dormitory for the girls. This also fits in perfectly with the policy of keeping them in school.
    The Community took the initiative by starting to make bricks and they already dug the foundation for the first dormitory. With their efforts and a financial contribution from the Ministry, we are well on our way, but it still will not be enough to cover all the costs.

    Thanks to a very generous donation, we will be able to build a waiting shelter next to the clinic in Kaindu. Highly pregnant women walk great distances - frequently more than 25 kilometers - to have their babies in this clinic. As often as not they then have to spend another few nights out in the open both before and after the birth. We will tell you more about this project in our next newsletter.

    Should you feel that you want to support ZAP in its endeavours to realise the various projects for 2019 (and thereafter) then we would highly appreciate a financial contribution. ZAP has an ANBI status.

    How do you go about it?

  • Adopt a project
  • Become a Founding Father (or Mother) for a minimum yearly amount of €1500 during 3 years
  • Or any other contribution to our work. Everything is more than welcome!

  • ZAP wishes all of you a happy Christmas and sends you best wishes for a healthy and happy 2019

    Kind regards,

    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

    Watch all projects realised by ZAP >>