NEWSLETTER 26 - december 2015
Take part in the future of ZAP
  • Become Founding Fathers - The Founding Fathers of ZAP commit for three years and donate a minimum of € 1500,- yearly. (ZAP has the ANBI status)
  • Become Friend of ZAP - every donation is more than welcome!

  • We are pleased to be able to give you an update on the activities of ZAP in 2015.

    Construction of the first secondary school in the Kaindu Chiefdome
    In a number of earlier newsletter we referred to the impending construction of the very first Secondary School in the Kaindu Chiefdom. To give you a better idea of the importance of this project: the Kaindu Chiefdom is the size of the province of Utrecht and in this entire region there is not one Secondary School! For the entire community as well as for ZAP, the realisation of this project is a dream come true. It is our biggest project so far, not in the least because of the logistics involved (supplying the building materials) and planning.
    In February the first 3 hectares of the site were prepared for construction, thanks to the help of Amatheon Agri under the direction of Adam Buske. Immediately afterwards we started with the construction of the first school block consisting of 4 classrooms, a strongroom, two offices and a conference room. Thanks to the exemplary support from all the Headmen, the community, the Ministry of Education and World Vision, we can now very proudly report that the roof is on the 4 classrooms! It was a tremendous challenge to get this done before the start of the rainy season.

    The next step is to finish the middle part of the building, containing the offices, before April 2016, in order to be able to then continue with the construction of the teachers' accommodation.

    This school is a prestige project for the entire region and therefor it is getting a lot of attention from the Ministry of Education and other entities. People come and look at the progress on a regular basis. Everyone is impressed by the professionalism of the construction team and the cooperation between ZAP and the Community.

    The Ministry of Education is actively involved in this project and has already started to recruit a Head and an Assistant Head teacher. As soon as the right candidates will have been selected, they will move to Nkulamaziba to start preparing for the first group of pupils.

    The collaboration with World Vision continues to be very good. They have already provided tons of stones and riversand. For 2016 they have pledged 1 to 2 water wells.


    The video below will give you an impression of the current projects:

    Look for more impressions from ZAP on YouTube >>

    Visit by the Van Dedem family
    In July ZAP had the honour to welcome no less than 11 members (donors) of the van Dedem family, who spent a week in situ working with ZAP. They gave their all lugging stones, putting up walls, giving classes, organising a sporting event for the pupils, and most of all immersing themselves in the culture and customs of the local people.

    In the last "special" Newsletter you will have been able to read about their impressions of their stay in the bush.

    As far as the school, the ZAP crew and the Community were concerned, it was at any rate a tremendous motivation and a very special experience. They still speak about the "moesunko's" who worked with such drive and humour.

    The vegetable garden at the Primary School in Nkulamaziba
    Under the direction of their teachers, the pupils of the Primary School have created a vegetable garden which is being tended with the greatest of care. Healthy nutrition is not something that gets a lot of attention in these rural areas. The children mostly eat "shima" a sort of maïze porridge. Although it is quite filling, it has next to no nutritional value. Thanks to the vegetable garden, the children now not only get a healthy meal before they go home but are also stimulated to put their acquired knowledge to use by growing vegetables at home as well.

    School uniforms
    All 500 pupils of the Primary School at Nkulamaziba have been given a school uniform. It is really touching to see how proudly the children wear their uniforms instead of their old worn clothing. It shows that they are part of the Nkulamaziba school. It gives them status, a sense of belonging, and even more importantly, the sense that they deserve to get an education.

    Programme To Keep The Girls In School
    Unfortunately it still happens quite regularly that parents marry off their daughters at an early age. This is an injustice as it takes away their chance at a better future through education.

    One of ZAP's donors is very committed to these issues and supports ZAP in trying to avoid these practices at the Nkulamaziba school.

    After a number of meetings with the parents of girls in groups 6 and 7, it has been agreed that all the girls will be given "school" shoes and a raincoat, while ZAP has also agreed to bear the cost of two sports events.

    The parents have all signed a pledge that, should they take their daughters out of school prematurely, they will reimburse this money. The Ministry of Education, the various Headmen and the Chief are aware of this project and are very much in favour of it. We will let you know whether this experiment will actually bear fruit ...

    Schooling of ZAP workers
    In 2014 ZAP gave 10 of its workers the chance to follow the official training course for construction workers at the Mumbwa Training Centre. All 10 of them completed the course successfully and now have the official diploma. This, together with their work experience with ZAP, will give them the opportunity for a job in the construction industry and thus a good future.

    This year again, ZAP has been able to send another 10 workers to the Institute in Mumbwa.

    ZAP thanks you for your sincere interest and your continued support.
    We wish you a a wonderful Christmas and a super 2016

    Warm wishes,

    ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
    Josien Dudok van Heel

    Watch all projects realised by ZAP >>