NEWSLETTER 7 - november 2009

Dear Founding Fathers and Friends of ZAP,

Back from Zambia, this time I would like to show you something very different in below video. This wonderful scene was on a morning while I was drinking my cup of coffee before I went back on the road to one of my projects. After seeing these images you can imagine that, dispite of the long days and endless distances that had to be overcome, this makes my life and mission in Zambia worth while.

© Maupart

The seven teachers houses at the Kaindu Basic School are now almost all renovated. Therefor we have all faith that this project will befinished end of this year or in the beginning of next year. At the Big Concession School the building of the first teachers house is also going prosperous. Only Jeriko (the manager of the project) has been very ill and this has caused a little delay.

Futhermore a number of new requests have arrived; amongst others the clinic in Kaindu has asked help to build 6 outdoor kitchens for the medical staff.

End of november I am going back to Zambia to make sure that all materials can be delivered before the rainseason really takes off.

In the next newsletter you will get an extended report of the finished projects and which projects have been chosen for the year 2010.

To enlarge the reputation of ZAP, we would like to extend our mailing lists. We would appreciate it if you could send us your email addresses of friends and acquaintances who possibly are interested in the activities of our Foundation.

With kindest regards,

ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
Josien Dudok van Heel.