NEWSLETTER 3 - august 2008

Dear Founding Fathers and Friends of ZAP,

First of all, I would like to thank you for the many heart warming responses and donations I have received after the previous newsletter, which I sent in June. They provide an enormous support for everyone involved in the several initiatives of ZAP in The Netherlands and in Zambia. In the enclosed video we have tried to provide you with an idea of the progress of the projects.

© Maupart

Other good news: ZAP has recently been officially registered in Zambia, which enables me to apply for my working visa. I need this visa to live in Zambia for over 90 days per year to direct all of the projects myself. It also means that no taxes will have to be paid over goods that ZAP imports into Zambia.

Next to the progress to the renovation of the teachers' houses and the delivery of the benches for the Mushinahsi School, the video contains a report on the disabled girl Mathilde. Through Willem van Waveren, commissioner at Emcart Reha Team, a wheelchair for Mathilde has been donated. You cannot imagine with how much joy this gift was received!

In September I will return to Zambia to make sure the renovation of the teacher homes will be finished before the rain season starts. More money is needed for this project, especially because of the rising prices for materials and diesel. Also, we have received new applications for help in other projects, which I will judge in September. I hope I can count on your support again!

Would you like to support ZAP, and with that the children of Mushingashi?

Then become:
  • Founding Father of ZAP - Founding Fathers have committed for three years, and donate EUR. 1500,- every year, or
  • Friend of ZAP- we welcome any amount donated by a Friend of ZAP.

With kindest regards,

ZAP (Zambia Allocation Program)
Josien Dudok van Heel.